“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”

“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”


King Outlaw

King Outlaw was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. At the age of 15, him and his mother moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL in an attempt to re-establish a family with his father, whom was recently released from prison. By the tender age of 16, Outlaw was on the road to prison due to his involvement with gangs and his part taking in various criminal activities.

Four months into his incarceration his mother past away. This was his time for reflection. Outlaw sat and looked at his life in a whole and new it was time for change. With the pain and hurt he was subjected to, due to losing the closes and dearest person to him, he grew and promised himself to become the person his mother always wished for him to be.

Outlaw is now a youth counselor for his City�s Health Department. Making it his duty to steer youth away from the type of lifestyle he lived. He believes that anyone can acheive greatness with dedication and the support of positive influences. He considers himself to be a primary example of this; stating, �If I did it, why can�t you?�

Amor De Rey,
Almighty �King Outlaw�
Fl. State Lion Tribe, Broward Co. Taino Tribe

For extended/illustrative version of this Bio please contact King Outlaw at outlaw@alkqn.org