“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”

“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”


Queen Estrella

Seconds turn into minutes, hours into days
Time flies by at the blink of an eye
Grasping at the weightless substance suspended in space
Attempting to capture a brief moment
A moment of razon to explain a few simple questions
�Qu�? �Por qu�? �C�mo?

Atheists,What are you doing here?
Hypocrites have no place in a Naci�n so Holy
�Por qu� difundir mentiras y crear un drama?
Why must you hurt su familia for personal gain?
How can brothers y sisters offer empty salutes,
�Cuando no es su amor en sus corazones que lo acompa�an?

Esta es la realidad devastadores de una Naci�n tan grande
The purpose of our existence is lost in the madness we created
It is our duty to take the reins and make things right
To empower La Raza without limits and guide our children
Educating and supplying them with endless knowledge
Securing a future so bright and filled with countless opportunities

Why is this a difficult concept to embrace?
Why must we hurt each other? Ourselves? �Y por que?

Amor/ R. Estrella
Atlanta, Georgia