- King Mission
- King Frenchy
- King Nel
- King Andres
- King Outlaw
- King Apocalypse
- King Principle
- King Frente
- King Ambition
- King Manaba
- Queen Journey
- King Legend
- King Crazy Bullet
- King Machete
- Queen Black Rose
- King Loko
- Queen Estrella
- King Nene
- King Fear
- Queen Mystique
- King Yael
- Queen Golden
- Queen Melody
- King Goofey
- King Sincere
- King Eric
“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”
“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”
Other Titles by
King Eric
King Eric
I was born on November, 1976. The Hospital I was born in is called "Centro Medico de RioPiedras Puerto Rico". The city I was born in is called Santurce, a city almost considered San Juan, Puerto Rico. My mother Alma, was raised by her two older sisters. She was a teenager (18) when I was born.
Mental and Spiritual breaker and MAKER:
The story of my father is brief for he did not stick around and I am sure that when he was he was abusive both physically and mentally. My father was addicted to Marijuana and cocaine At about the age of six I actually found cut off straws used to sniff cocaine in the bedroom where the Sperm donor slept. The straw thing I did not figure out until later years. The subconscious memory is our protector. I do not think any human has the capacity to live a normal and productive life if it was not for the help and immense contribution of this part of the human brain. The awareness of my past has and continues to help me become a better, more spiritual person. Now that I am a father I try my best to be a better person. I have been teaching my children to be always in touch with their feelings. I want them to have the memories that I did not have and I want to leave room in their subconscious minds so that they may deal with the adulthood problems that will inevitably occur. I too wanted that positive memory.
At the age of six I arrived in the United States, the South Bronx, to be exact. I am now the proud father of three, but please let me start with the beginning. I also became a teenage father at the tender age of sixteen. I was the first sixteen year old in the state of New York to be awarded by the courts full custody of another human. I took on the challenge. My own, my pride, his name is Erics'sun, ""why do you think that is?" LoL" My son was a blessing from the heavens. His mother was fifteen and I; well I was just a year older. I still live with my son he is now sixteen years old.
During my years in the Bronx New York. I did meet a lot of people that were both inspiration and at times a discouragement. There was a period of time in my teenage years that I was involved in the distribution of heroin. I have analyzed the reason as to why I became involved in this ugly world. My mother as a single mother struggled more than I can describe. We lived in a building that as seen in older movies from N.Y. City looked abandoned. The windows in our buildings were a luxury and we all know how cold N.Y can be. My mother and I would be forced to sleep with the oven on for many hours at night; this was a regular part of the life in the Bronx I can trace my unfortunate drug dealing back to a single episode: In a winter day around 1989 my mother and I had no food to eat so we had to take the D train at 170 street to Roosevelt Island in Queens New York. My aunt and cousins had already been in the states for a couple of years and were better established than us. We had dinner that night! Once we reached the Bronx again my mother and I were walking back to our "building" and I noticed something strange. There were many twenty dollar bills flying around. The local Korean store had been robed. I began picking up bills it was like a blessing although it may have been the beginning of a wrong path. I received the attention I was seeking; I was finally I the "in crowd". In hindsight all I wanted was peace to continue my studies. It is very hard for a child to concentrate on school work while hungry and worried about how many he would have to fight after classes here is a description of what I looked like back in those days. During my years in Junior High School I would be dressed in whatever was handed down due to our financial obstacles. My daily wardrobe consisted of a sky blue Miami Vice jacket, Red soft leather shoes (size 10) "I was probably 4 feet 2 inches" and about two pair of jeans. "Wow!" I would have picked on me too, wait I did not mention that I also wore
prescription glasses thanks to the great inner city Medicaid program.
I was a satisfied child, did not asked for much but due to the demands of a New York society the dress codes of the inner city often ridiculed and attacked by the "cooler" kids. In the Bronx we had used mattresses to practice our back flips and front flips and more than enough card board to be able to break dance, I became a little "L.K." about here. During the hot summer days we opened the street fire hydrants for cooling off. This of course did away with whatever little water pressure was available to both grocery stores and a thousand six to twenty-four story buildings. The fact is that this is what some call ghetto but to me it was a heaven.I lived in the Bronx until I was about mid twenties.
At the age of seven, I got my first job was as a bag packer for C-Town Super Market. I was seven and on my first day I accumulated seven dollars, seven dollars worth of candy. I should not have been allowed to eat that much candy by my mother but how could she had done this with all her struggles? There was no health insurance offered at this time in New York. There was Medicaid and it was nearly impossible to get an appointment. I remember a doctor Murphy, this doctor was as saint in the "hood". Dr. Murphy would see patients and would help out by accepting food stamps for payment in his office. The doctor was a native of India and was probably aware of the poverty before me.
Mummified state:
I worked in the city of Manhattan. I worked in the Federal District. To those of you that are unfamiliar with New York City this was the location of the Twin Towers a more familiar name, The World Trade
Center. I was fortunate to have survived this tragedy. The attacks of September the eleventh were my motivation to joining the United States Army. I did what I had to do for this great Nation as many other Kings and Queens also are doing, but at the same time a demon grew inside of me. I became a full blown alcoholic. After completing my tour I live in Buckley, Air Force base in Aurora Colorado. I was drinking a lot and was offered some help by my peers at the base, unfortunately, I did not choose to get better until a few months later, "Amor De Rey! The father in me came out once again I got a job here in decided that Colorado was the place to bring up my three children. I have been lucky to see the cycle and thanks to my experiences and strength gain from what some may call torture. I have been able to prevent the repetition of that cycle. I am less than complete (perfect) but it has been a turnaround never the less. I have seen what the cycle can, have and will continue to do.
The children are not guilty of our sins! If there is any message in this biography my family please let it be "Protect the future with all your strength, with every electric impulse in your hearts". Please find the link to one of my new purposes in life. I have created a charity for the orphans of Iraq War Soldiers killed in action. I spend a lot of time working on this now because I know from personal experience the risk, the struggle and the neglect! When people enter the page they then become part of my family. A family whose purpose is to prevent the possible loss of a child.This cause will assist the immediate family members of our fallen American heroes.Providing big brothers/sisters, counseling and retreats and camps as well as financial assistance to children who have lost one or both parents overseas or due to suicide (PTSD).War is ugly, it leaves children and wives alone please remember their sacrifice. Here are a few numbers that I find to be the daily motivation:7 out of 10 of these 4,949 men and women killed in action (Updated May 5, 2009) were parents to at least 2 children per household... "some of us are more lucky than others". We can help by joining this cause and learning how we can help. I have made it my mission to inform and remind others of the great sacrifice.
My goal through action:
We will help provide mental health services for the children of these men & women. Big brother programs, FOOD and even shelter when needed. My goal is to within one year have helped 30 of these affected
Below you will find an updated number fatalities, please note that this number continues to grow daily.
$4944 Total Fatalities Growing daily I will update as it happens.
Operation Iraqi Freedom: 4,949
Operation Enduring Freedom: 675 The children are not guilty of our sins!
I'm currently in College again because I want and need to get further into my degree in order to re-enlist as a Special Forces medic in the U.S. Army (Accomplished as of 11/01/09). I would want nothing more if I was to ever loose my life in the service of the people to have my children assisted by someone that has the passion I do. I understand that these biographies are to include the when, wheres and why as to why one becomes a King, but the above story is one of hundreds. I will not under mind the brother or sister reading this by providing actual days. This is a living document we live by KM/C and Bloodline Every day of my life the "whats" and "whys" keep coming at me via this world.
Nacion, please pray that we continue to break cycles and focus on the "within" so that we can fulfill the promise...
Now at the age of 33, I realized that there was a little bit of a shortage of old school righteous Kings and Queens during the years mentioned in this biography. With my story in mind I encourage all to seek the youth and please guide them... Yes! the experience of the first stage is required but gravity alone may not be enough to get that King or Queen back, it is time we all acted instead of waiting for the outcome. The outcome has been controlled by the oppressor for too long lets get that control back and hold till the end. Thanks and Praise due to the Almighty for this opportunity and the evolution...
Amor de Rey, Reyna Y Corona King Eric New York state, making Colorado state home.