“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”

“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”

Abiding In Your 5 Points

King Loko

What kind of brother do you aspire to be? Are you really living by the principals a true KING should? Let�s take a minute to check ourselves and evaluate the 5 points of our crown to determine our walk as Kings & Queens.

LOVE- Are you walking in love? You must first love and respect yourself and family in order to love this nation! Do you think evil as soon as a fellow brother or sister says something you don�t agree with or think is wrong? To love this nation is to willingly follow its laws with diligence, not taking part in anything be it actions or words that will bring harm to us! If the manifesto speaks about not using mind altering drugs for example heroin, yet you use the drug, you are not only defiling yourself but this nation as well. For every member makes up the crown and we stand 360. If you break the rules you are not showing love to this nation�..They are there for a reason.

HONOR- Do you honor this nation wholeheartedly? Being a humble lion and respecting each and every member as well as acting in one accord is bringing honor to this nation. Or are you honoring yourself? And to all of our superiors past and present, proper respect and remembrance is do always, because if not for them we would have no place and there would be no Latin King Nation.

OBEDIENCE- DO you say the words Amor De Rey and then slander your brother? We can all rejoice saying �ADR�. We can all show loyalty with the tongue but are you being obedient with your actions? Being obedient is: being present at meetings, showing concern for your brothers, respecting your elders orders, abiding by KMC rules and regulations, knowing your lessons/prayers in Heart not recital, etc!!!!!

Sacrifice- We must give of ourselves to this nation to insure longevity. Not just give when we have a lot. Times will come when you have to sacrifice the last bit you have. The last bit of strength. Brothers have shed blood and at some point or another most shed tears. To be apart of this nation takes sacrifice in all areas. What have you contributed? What can you bring to the table? What can you add that will benefit the nacion? Do NOT claim the name Latin Kings as a fashion statement!

Righteousness- Righteousness is being faithful to this nation. It is walking upright striving to be as pure and good-willing as possible. TO be a King or Queen is to be a follower of Yahwe. For Yahwe(God) is the Almighty King of Kings. Hence: A Love Measured In Great Harmony Towards Yahwe.

We need to live as peaceful as possible. Yeah enemies we will have and we will have trouble as long as we�re in this world, but let�s do right. Let�s not create anymore problems let them come our way. We then equip ourselves with armor. Lets be protected by the shield only drawing our swords when absolutely necessary! If we protest that we are an Organization then we cant act like a gang and expect change. You have to want it bad enough and walk the good walk.

FINAL THOUGHT- If you are not living by these 5 points then you Must change your ways. I remember to this day when I was 12 or 13 years old a righteous brother shared with me an old saying. He said �I would rather have 5 real brothers than 500 fake brothers on my team�. That has stuck with me to this day and it makes a whole lot of sense when he talked about this nation. And it�s true, I would rather have 5 brothers with Wisdom than 500 so-called brothers living in darkness, lies, and power struggles. For to be a King your eyes must be open. Live in the light. ALKQN etc is not a street gang! We must strive to be a productive nation and bring our people to prosperity. Latin people are powerful and can be business owners and get out of the ghetto�s they complain about. But we must empower ourselves with knowledge. Let us be smart. The government binds us, restricts us and labels us a certain way. Let�s change that. Let us come up in this JUNGLE. Once more we are a nation that gives ear to God and practices Kingism! Learn it. Live It. Walk accordingly. We are strong, we are wise, we are Lions, and we are LATIN KINGS. We are in control of our future!!!!!

A servant of this nation. ADR ADC