“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”

“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”


King Mission

Mission began community organizing more than a decade ago at the age of 13. Born into a household of revolutionary ideas, where his parents were both members of the Young Lords and the Black Panthers, Mission was �officially� introduced to the need for social upliftment and communal evolution by the end of a Puerto Rican Policeman�s baton while attending a rally against the budget cuts proposed by former NYC Mayor Giuliani in 1993. The policeman had ordered a group of students who were proudly waving the Puerto Rican flag to disperse and upon their refusal, he began pushing them. The commotion caused the flag to drop towards the floor � something Mission had been taught unacceptable � and Mission made a dash to recover it. Defining his action as a combative one, the Puerto Rican Policeman began to swing his baton at Mission, hitting him so hard that the Puerto Rican flag Pin on the Police Man�s lapel flew from his uniform. Amidst the crowd, a group of students from Hunter College saw what was happening to Mission and pulled him from the reach of the policeman. Mission vowed that when the time came, he would attend Hunter College�. And he did.

What seemed to be almost immediately after the rally, Mission joined various Community Based Organizations including ASPIRA of New York; Where he served as the ASPIRA Clubs Federation Chairman, MUEVETE; Where he served as a conference organizer and workshop facilitator/presenter, the National Congress of Puerto Rican Rights; Where he managed a voter registration campaign, United Nations Youth for Habitat; Where he served as a US delegate in Istanbul, Turkey and presented a blue print outlining the trend of global urbanization among the youth, National Action Network; Where he served as the Rev. Al Sharpton�s Youth Committee Advisor.

Mission�s membership in the above mentioned organizations provided him with a vast amount of experience in community organizing and community relations. It also provided him with insight as to the specific ailments of the Black and Latino communities. However there was something missing�

All to soon, Mission realized that what Community Based Organizations and Nongovernmental Organizations said they wanted to do on paper and what they were actually able to do after funding restraints, were two different things. As a result, Mission decided to take his involvement to a new level and he began to research New York City�s street organizations� more commonly referred to as Gangs. After about 6 months of field research, Mission decided to become a member of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. It was there that he felt he could be most effective in his organizing efforts. The ALKQN provided resources that were unheard of in the nonprofit world. The sense of brotherhood and sisterhood came with no grant dollars attached and so demanded that one be creative.

Through the years, Mission rose through the ranks of the New York State ALKQN; Going from the representative of the members in Brooklyn, NY, to the representative of all members under the age of 18 in the state of NY, to one of the five supreme leaders for the state of New York. It was during this time that Mission spearheaded the Political Campaign executed by the ALKQN and was featured in both the Black and Gold and HBO documentary of the ALKQN as well as various news interviews. During the summer of 1997, Mission once again, took his involvement to another level and visited Havana,Cuba as a member of the Venceremos Brigade; an organization that supports the Cuban revolution by visiting the island and working in the mountains harvesting Sugar Cane, Yucca, and building homes. During this trip, Mission was exposed to the practices of Santeria. Although he had been raised as a Catholic, nothing could compare to the connection he felt with the Orichas of Cuba. As a result, Mission visited the island on a yearly basis, and became a strict practitioner of the faith. In the summer of 2002, Mission underwent the ceremony known as the Asciento and became a priest of Shango (KABIEOSILE BABA!!).

Making regular trips to the Cuba for religious advancement opened the road to Mission establishing a chapter of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation in Havana. With their crowns raised, he shared with them the specifics of the struggles that Latinos in the United States. This prepared Mission for the next job that he would have in the ALKQN� serving as the official representative of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation�s Globalization.

Currently Mission resides in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has become ordained as an interfaith minister and established Ministry Ashe; A Ministry dedicated towards the preparation of ceremonies of various faiths in a manner that reflects the teachings, beliefs, philosophies, and principles of the ALKQN.

When asked how Mission would summarize his role in the Nation and in the community he states:

�My throne exists on the souls of my community�s feet. Each and every day I sit and prepare myself to be trampled by those who are my social and cultural reflections. While others view this as a punishment, I view this as an honor; for when the Almighty Father calls me to stand; I do so inevitably raising my community�

Amor de Rey y Corona!!
King Mission