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    El Grito
    de Los Reyes

King MissionKing FrenchyKing NelKing Andres
King OutlawKing ApocalypseKing PrincipleKing Frente
King AmbitionKing LegendKing BlueQueen Black Rose
King LokoQueen EstrellaKing FearQueen Mystique
King YaelQueen GoldenQueen MelodyKing Sincere
King Eric


Written by King Legend

Amor de Corona, Rey y Reina.

I hope when you read these words and always that you and all within your kingdom have been blessed by the most righteous and Almighty King of Kings Amor de Corona.

Familia I come to you today with my right fist upon my chest right up to 360 degrees of strong kings? wisdom for Love, Honor, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Righteousness and also with Respect, Honesty, Unity, Knowledge, and Love proclaiming these righteous and holy words Amor de Rey y Corona?

Favoritism is one of many diseases that plague our beloved Nation to this day. Favoritism is the unfair favoring of one person or a group of people. Now ask yourself have you ever been a victim to this? Why is it that some brothers/sisters get away with murder and never reap the consequences when there is so many that get capital punishment at a drop of a dime? Is it because they hold a position or because there older in age or been in the nation longer whatever the reason there?s no excuse. This is a nation of lions not cubs. A true king or queen would not posses the qualities of favoritism. In the end the favoring of one person or a group of people is only going to cause division amongst ourselves. Remember that no ones crown is more powerful, effective, nor shinier than the next, this is a Nation of KINGS and QUEENS Amor de Corona?

Familia I leave as I came with my right fist upon my heart right up to 360 degrees of strong kings wisdom for L,H,O,S,R and also with R,H,U,K,L proclaiming these holy and righteous words Amor de Rey, Reina y CORONA?