A new look.. a new presence.. coming soon!
El Grito
de Los Reyes
Jewels by King Frente
Biography |
Written by King Frente
I grew up the son of parents who were involved with the Young Lords Party and uncles and cousins who were a part of the first stages of the Latin kings in the Bronx during the early 60's. I am 44 at this time with two kids of my own who walk the conrete jungles.
Living my teenage years in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx, I graduated from Adlai Stevenson High School.
It was in the Bronx that I came in contact with an ancient King who had knowledge of the Motherland teachings, and so he started to illuminate my mind and expand my studies.
While I studied our Nation, I also dreamed of having a career as a Jockey (someone who rides horses for money). It was with the help of the Almighty Father, that I was able to fulfill my dream and provide for my family.
Throughout my travels and accomplishments, I have never lost sight of the struggles of our ancestors, my family, and our Nation.
To this day, I continue to uplift myself daily and I will not rest until all third world people are given the Justice, Peace, and Equality they deserve. I believe it is our duty to keep our nation strong so we can help others attain knowle of all things...especially of self.
Amor De Rey!!
King Frente