A new look.. a new presence.. coming soon!
El Grito
de Los Reyes
Jewels by King Mission
Biography | Brother | Evolution is Long Overdue |
Evolution is Long Overdue Volume 2 | Treatment of our Queens | Conspiring Against King's Love |
Thank You... | Despiertan!!! | Wake Up!!! |
Wake Up!!!
Written by King Mission
Amor de Rey y Corona, familia. As always and forever, I hope that when you read these words you all and all in your Kingdoms are in the best of health and spirit.
I write these words lost in reflection on the actions that so many take in the name of love and loyalty to the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I reflect on the inconsistencies that have come to define the masses who claim to represent the strength and beauty of Black and Gold, but in reality simply like the color combination and think that adorning themselves will make them superior.
I think of miserable individuals who allow themselves to become drunk with envy and remove their crowns of righteousness for hats of envy and disgust. These are the individuals who exist with opinions of individuals and situations that they do not know personally and do not understand. They present their own beliefs as facts because if they do not, they then run the risk of acknowledging their own invalidity. These individuals claim to roar as lions, but in reality are simply whimpering as hyenas when they leave threatening messages on voicemails of those who are truly dedicated to the cause of our progression, disrespect the virtue of our beautiful queens, disregard the decisions of our leadership engaging in such activities as presenting themselves to the public as royalty when they know without doubt that the gates of the ALKQN have closed behind them and they have been expelled. Has ?Amor de Rey? become a popular lyric that is sang to pass the time, or does it remain the cry of the chosen to remind that the Nation was before them and will be after them?
One need only spend a few minutes on the internet to see a world of grey and yellow that many try to present as a world of Black and Gold.
Commitment to our dear Nation requires more than taking a dozen pictures of yourself and posting them on a social website and sitting behind a computer all day logged into a messenger program where you write about the trails and tribulations of your streets. How can anyone speak, with any kind of authority, about the social issues that affect their community if their community has become the people sitting around them and renting time on the computer in the cyber caf�?
Perhaps at some point the message was sent out that the ALKQN was a social club where fame and fortunate could be obtained. If that was the case, on behalf of the true senior leadership, allow me the opportunity to apologize. The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is not a social club, nor is it the personal playground of anyone individual who claims to be above anyone else. The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is an organization of brotherhood, sacrifice, commitment, love, intelligence, and responsibility.
Recently I had the opportunity to sit with a brother who recently relocated to the United States from another country. As I listened to him explain to me what he believed the culture of the Nation was it was clear to me that many continue to occupy their time by creating rules and regulations that only make sense to them. They become consumed by what they consider to be the remedies to their local problems, but ignore (almost completely), the one true and only constitution? the KMC. I am not saying that it is not advantageous or allowed for chapters to create their own rules and regulations (that do not conflict with the constitution), because it is. However, it is simply ignorant and not a show of royalty to build on a foundation that is not solid. How can a chapter create rules and regulations that uphold their own local ?culture? if the true culture of the ALKQN is not first known, understood, respected, and abided by all in the chapter? The answer is, "they can't".
My dear brothers and sisters, "Wake Up!"
Wake up and understand that being a King/Queen in the ALKQN is not a part-time duty. ?Everybody makes mistakes? is not a valid excuse for anyone to continually disrespect our constitution, our laws, our protocol... our purpose. The existence of our beloved Nation comes through the blood, sweat, and tears of countless men and women who are turning over in their graves at the fact that there are individuals who claim that they are true to the ALKQN but do everything in defiance of the constitution. How are you respecting the sacrifices of true brothers and sisters when you use our greeting in vain and extend your crown to those who have been expelled? Why is it that so many think that because they are friends with someone that their membership serves as valid for the two of them? Do you not realize that you are not recognized by the Nation Eye? Do you not understand that in the comfort of your own home, you can be an entire Kingdom... however, when you step foot into the real concrete jungle of life, you are nothing more than a spoiled snack for true lions. Many speak of the Brown Force that guides us? however; very few allow themselves to be guided. In case there was any doubt, allow me the opportunity to remind everyone that complaining, gossiping, conspiring, and attempting to manipulate the literature and rules to fit your own personal agenda is not the behavior of a King/Queen of the ALKQN. It is, however, the behavior of the oppressive forces that sit and laugh at the comic relief we provide when we turn on each other.
My dear brothers and sisters, "Wake Up!" Wake up and realize the arsenal that is created when you have sincere understanding. Realize that the pulse of the ALKQN comes from the body of the ALKQN... a body that is made by the people. As an indispensible organ, you have an obligation to beat Love, Honor, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Righteousness.
Amor de Rey y Corona!!
King Mission