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    El Grito
    de Los Reyes

King MissionKing FrenchyKing NelKing Andres
King OutlawKing ApocalypseKing PrincipleKing Frente
King AmbitionKing LegendKing BlueQueen Black Rose
King LokoQueen EstrellaKing FearQueen Mystique
King YaelQueen GoldenQueen MelodyKing Sincere
King Eric

Evolution is Long Overdue

Written by King Mission

Hello my brothers and sisters. I hope that when you all receive that you are all in the best of health and spirit. As for me, I continue to draw from the Brown Force of our people as well as the guidance of the Orichas to keep my head up. I thank the Almighty father for providing me with the strength to strive for a life that manifests Love, Honor, Obediecne, Sacrifice and Righteousness as well as Respect, Honesty, Unity, Knowledge and Love. Amor De Rey!

Over the past 9 months I have had much time to reflect over the history of our precious Nation. Originating from the state of New York, I now reside in Arizona where I was blessed with the opportunity of exposing new brothers and sisters to the light therefore adding to the multitude of our family. In doing this I was able to think back to the goals our Nation has been trying to meet for decades.

Much time is spent talking about the need for the Nation to rise and receive the power and prestige that it deserves. However, in the very way that we talk of our precious Black and Gold we are feeding the very concept that holds it down. The Nation is not an entity outside of ourselves that we can speak of. The Nation is ourselves, it is an aspect of our being and can only progress once we have allowed ourselves to evolve and progress.

It pains me to see so many of our brothers and sisters stuck in idle while the world passes us by. We are - by nature - rulers of kingdoms and yet with all the bandannas, with all the beads, with all the yelling we have not truly begun to show pride in our Kingdoms for if we would, they would not be in the shambles they are in now. Our crowns, when illuminated by the light of Yahweh are blinding to the ignorant and so we should keep them in our hearts and minds where they are appreciated rather than wearing them around as clothing for the world to misunderstand.

Family, I implore you to realize the first 360 that needs to be attended is the one in yourself. Each and every one of us is an Almighty Latin King Queen Nation. Those who are dependent on us in our personal kingdoms are our first tribe. We can not walk the streets of the concrete jungle claiming loyalty to the Crown and love for brothers and sisters we do not know simply because they say they are followers of the points, if we have not solidified a temple of true righteousness at home. We can not teach our young Kings and Queens the ways of Kingism/Queenism if our own lives do not exemplify that curriculum. Every breathe we take should be done in a manner that is righteous or at very least, aspiring to be righteous.

This Nation that we speak of when separating it from ourselves is nothing more than a copout , an excuse used all to often to justify lack of personal accomplishments. The brother/sister that does not take the time to build his/her personal kingdom, wash the walls with Love, seal the windows with Honor, clothe its babies with obedience and feed its inhabitants with Sacrifice and Righteousness is the brother/sister that can not stand toe to toe and proclaim his or her undying love and commitment to me. I say this because love of others is built on love of self and when one of our own shows a lacking in love of self by not making an effort to evolve and progress, then what they are proclaiming to me has no sincere emotional baking. They are doing nothing more than reciting words on paper.

Now don�t get me wrong. I am not expecting all who seek the light to do so with an impeccable personal life. I am not asking that they be professionals in their field of interest and financially stable. I am however, expecting all to seek the light knowing that the world they new yesterday was but a training ground for the world Yahweh is going to help them build tomorrow. I am asking that we seek to illuminate our personal and professional being with the same desire as we seek to illuminate our rep on the streets. Family, if all we have is the streets, then we are nothing more than what the rest of the world runs over to get to their destinations in life.

It is imperative that we stop finding the excuses for what is holding us back and take ownership of our future. No longer should we find contentment in reciting the same script that has been recited for decades in the 360. When the Almighty finds us together, we should be sharing our accomplishments and preparing each other for what is to come not dreaming and wondering if anything will ever be given to us.

My brothers and sisters, many have chosen to live in the light of Yahweh but their personal shadows make it impossible for them to ever achieve a level of Kingism/Queenism that has barely been mentioned in the lessons for it exists solely in yourself. This is the level of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. This is when the King/Queen looks at his/her children and says that they are true prince and princess because the foundation for their kingdom has been set and their thrown has been made. Now these shadows can be removed but you must be prepared to endure hardship and heartache for they are true battle wounds of evolution. While some may shake their heads at this I ask that other remember�. Many choose but few are chosen.

May the Almighty Father continue to guide you all. May your kingdoms be showered with blessings and its inhabitants receptive to and appreciating of those blessings. Let us remember that it began with Love and will find eternal existence because of Love. Though we strive for peace, the world has many battles that await us and so let us never keep are swords anything but sharp and our shields anything but shiny. Behold!! For the True Latin King/Queen knows self and enters the light with his/her natural crown understanding that his/her being is its own Nation. When pride and envy our put aside and we truly stand together as responsible and accountable Latinos, then all those Nations that live in the minds and hearts of our brothers and sisters come together to create what the world knows will one day rule�The Almighty Latin King Queen Nation. Amor De Rey!

King Mission