Queen Justice

The Sisterhood

Amor De Reina y De Corona:

Often times on our path we slip and often times we fall. I know that some of us have been through it all.

Yet even though our worldz could be falling apart, we smile and keep on going... The pain tucked in our hearts.

We keep our heads held high and we understand that we must be fierce, dangerous and strong yet at the same time loving, compassionate and elegant.

My beautiful sisters we share a beautiful bond called the Sisterhood, a bond which we must reinforce and focus on. Let us build up each other for our success is not measured in what we accomplish in life but in how we assist another to reach our goals.

We are but a leaf on a branch on a beautiful tree with strong roots.

The roots of the tree, is our past, presen and future.

The tree is our beautiful Nation.

The branches represent the States n Countries.

The leaves represent each one of us. It is the leaves that all joined together provide shade, one leaf alone cannot accomplish this task. There is strength in numbers and Unity is the Key to unlock the door that leads to change.

I love you!
Amor De Reina
Queen Justice

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