I, Queen Treasure, come with my Crown embedded in my Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. I grew up in a military family and have lived in many different places, everywhere from Germany to more than 10 different states. Currently, I call Houston, TX home where I live with my 2 Princesses and 1 Prince. I became involved with the Nation a few years ago through friends that were Kings and Queens from NYC. Through these friendships, I have learned much about myself as well as this beautiful Nation.
One of the most important aspects of life to me is education. Education could be as simple as picking up a book and teaching yourself or following a more traditional route like I did by going to college. How we as a Nation expect to change the ?system? of oppression if we, as a Nation, do not learn the rules that others use to oppress us.
I see so many young men and women with great potential get lost to the negative because no one teaches them any thing else. I don't ever want to say that I too allowed someone to get lost.
Queen's Love,
Queen Treasure