Evolution is Long Overdue Volume 2
Amor De Rey and Amor De Corona, my brothers and sisters. As always and forever, I hope that this finds you all in the best of health and spirit. As for me and mine, we continue to draw from the Brown Force of our Ancestors as well as the guidance of the Orichas to keep our heads up.
I send you all these sentiments with manifestations of Love, Honor, Obedience, Sacrifice and Righteousness as well as Respect, Honesty, Unity, Knowledge and Love.
Lately many of us have found ourselves on a familiar battlefield; A battlefield where both sides claim loyalty and devotion to the heavenly colors of Black and Gold. Again, both sides claim to be fighting for the best interest of the Nation, but it is only one of these sides that do not consider the Nation an entity separate from themselves. It is this side that rests its head at the side of the Almighty and it is this side who does not regard any battles won as a victory; for the brothers and sisters on this side understand that the war itself has the power to destroy us all.
I once wrote of the need for each and every brother/sister to evolve from a primitive state of being. I referred to this process as an internal one. Well now, I once again find myself asking my royal family to evolve. This time, I ask that the evolution take place in the way their mind prepares the agenda for the Nation as a whole.
For far to long brothers and sisters have awaken with an uncontrollable urge to lead the family. They have hungered for this power so feverishly that the foam falling from their mouths is proof that there desires are individualistic. And the way in which their agendas have been enforced is proof that they are ruling (or attempting to rule) subjects, not Kings and Queens...not brothers and sisters.
It is simply beyond me that after decades of existence there are still those who feel they hold all the answers. I have come across many of these brothers who have sat before their computer screens late at night, and manipulated the minds of brothers and sisters across this country the same way one might manipulate the pieces on a board game. They pride themselves on the number of brothers and sisters they "hold down", but rarely give that body the chance to be truly represented. The ideas, the goals, the dreams of all in that body are ignored and so in essence their royalty is ignored.
The time for speeches made by either self proclaimed leadership or leadership whose crown comes in the form of pieces of paper that are never present when asked for, is long past. The world is much smaller than it was five years ago and our information is more accessible than it has ever been. Because of these changes, our methods of leadership must change. The time has long been present for each and every brother and sister to take ownership of their personal Kingdom. No longer can we afford to meet and stand toe-to-toe as an age old speech is recited by one who claims to represent us, but yet knows not even our name, let alone our own personal struggles.
By now, many are probably misinterpreting my words to mean that I am opposed to leadership and official structure. This is by no means the case. On the contrary, I agree with and support the need for structure and leadership. But leadership in a Nation of leaders needs to follow a different model. A model that understands the one at the head of the table is not better than those at the side; for he/she realizes that if there were no one at the sides of the table, then they would be alone.
Family, I ask that you once again look in the mirror and acknowledge your God given royalty. I ask that you wipe your eyes of the veil that has been sewn by servitude and see that before you assume a leadership role in the lives of any one else, you must first assume and solidify leadership in your own world. Then, as your kingdom begins to shine with your own individual accomplishments, you can bring to the table fresh and constructive ideas that will then be recorded by the leadership you chose to represent you. The individual in leadership then has an obligation to distribute your ideas and accomplishments with the one concept that has a place no matter where you go on this planet....Love.
I close wishing you all the same blessings as when I opened. May the Almighty continue to guide and protect us all. Though we strive for peace, may we always find the strength to keep our swords sharp and our shields shiny. It started with Love and has found eternal life through Love. Behold!!
Amor De Rey and Amor De Corona!!
King Mission