
I now lay motionless as the bodies around me begin to understand.

�What happened? What did he do?�, the caring questions of the nosy spectators that circle the portrait of my body, as I continue painting it with my blood.

I tilt my head in their direction and try to explain. However words do not come out. Instead more internal paint for my portrait does�. I continue to bleed.

That one stranger has now become my best friend, for now he is the designated speaker.

�You wish to know what has happened? I will tell you.

The man that lies before you was one of pride�Latino Pride. He stood strong on the steps of his culture, but always welcomed the chance to educate those who understood not the meaning of these steps. He was sure of whom he was and where he came from, as well as what he wanted. But� but now he lies dying.

What happened you ask? The man before you never stood solely as a male or as an individual. He had love for his people as well as words of wisdom to share with them. He merely wished to further enrich his knowledge of others, further embrace foreign ideas� He merely wished to show respect through Love and understanding. Unfortunately, the one he met did not. For this one he met chose to use ignorance to instill a bullet in his head rather knowledge�

�But tell us stranger, who are you? How do you know so much? Did you reside on the same cultural steps as he? Tell us! Inform us!�

�Don�t you understand?! Can�t you see?! It is with great shame that I confess�

I confess to being the drawer of the blood that is staining the floor we stand on. I am he who was plagued by ignorance!!

I did not know! I could not feel! I did not want to� Oh God, help me!!

Give me the guidance that will allow me to guide those� Those who are what I can no longer be! Those whose life depends on not being like me!!

Damn it, can�t you see?! It�s not about you and me! In order for us to survive, it must always be WE!!�

I bow my head in what can be regarded as a final confession.

�You mean?�

�Yes, I�m sorry. I am that brother he wished to embrace�

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