“We are lions with our own unique language. To the untrained ear, our words are heard as simple roars. However, to those who stand in the light of the Almighty Father, our roars are heard and understood as expressions of brotherly and sisterly Love, Honor, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Righteousness; as well as growls of Respect, Honesty, Unity, Knowledge, and Love. ”   --KM

Thoughts of Wisdom

King Principle

It is easy to put a man into the jungle for his body will survive out of neccesity. Put him into a classroom, and his mind will not for he lacks the mental state deprived from him by the struggle to survive. But do not under estimate his wisdom, for a truely knowledgable man teaches himself. We must come to realize Education is the key of our lives. We must remember, there is no wealth like knowledge, and no poverty like ignorance.

King Principle
2nd Division, Golden Tribe.
Amor De Corona, Amor De Rey, Amor.

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