“We are lions with our own unique language. To the untrained ear, our words are heard as simple roars. However, to those who stand in the light of the Almighty Father, our roars are heard and understood as expressions of brotherly and sisterly Love, Honor, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Righteousness; as well as growls of Respect, Honesty, Unity, Knowledge, and Love. ”   --KM


King Frenchy


My name is Almighty Latin King Frenchy, I call CHI-TOWN, the MOTHERLAND my home due to the fact that I grew up there and was blessed in as a King back in 1981 on the North-Side. So you know I'm an Old Skool King. I have been certain places and done certain things which only a few know. Not that I am trying to hide things but those close to me know who I am and positions I've held. Till this day I still do community work in all aspects but what I concentrate most is helping feed the homeless and assisting with the Battered Women Shelters in my community. This I feel strongly about because I believe that our women are the Queens of the Earth.

I am very much dedicated to our Nacion and those in it. I write brothers and sisters still locked up to inform them that they are not forgotten and let them know some of their sacrifices were not in vain. I mentor young children in the art of Boxing and how to conduct themselves with honor, dignity and respect.

When I die have no pity, bury me deep in Almighty Latin King City, place my Golden shield and sword across my chest, place my Golden Corona upon my head and tell our Nacion I did my best. Boom Amor, MOTHERLAND.

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