The Nation's Celestial Chapter |
| Parents, Guardians, and Families |
(Contents are in English and Spanish)
"Membership into the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is a decision that affects every aspect of the individual's life. The belief that one can simply "be a member" and reference their membership as something that is external from who they are is a flawed belief. Anyone who has truly committed themselves to the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation understands that they are able to do so because the belief of the ALKQN is in-line with their own. It is not about representing an organization that interests you. Rather, it is about representing an organization that already represents you as its constitution articulates the principles of your personal existence. Perhaps it is this simple truth that has eluded so many and therefor allowed a Nation intended for great service to the community to often find itself as a disservice to the community. Hence the understanding of all who are truly committed to the crown and what it represents when it is said that "Many choose, while few are chosen." - Minister Mission
The decision to join the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is one that not only changes the life of the individual joining, but also has an effect on the lives of those who are close to the individual. I made the decision to join at the tender age of 15, with the complete support of my parents. Through the years, I have had many opportunities to learn from others in the Nation, teach others in the Nation, affect positive change in the Nation, and ultimately gain a greater understanding of the community as a whole by gaining a greater understanding of the dynamics that exist within the Nation.
The men and women who sincerely make up the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation are far fewer in numbers than the masses may believe. The pages that follow are but a glimpse of our complex existence. Here we will show you a piece of our heart.
Minister Mission publishes under both "King Mission" and "Minister Mission". The content of the publication will dictate the name under which it is published.