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There once was a hood that shined so bright
and all who were in it stood in the light
The light of our Almighty father, the king of kings
And all this hood did was righteous things
they spread their knowledge for THE NATION to hear
lived righteously and never SHOWED NO fear
these were the times that i remember well
but i need not sit and on those days dwell
for those were the times of yesteryear
times have changed and our lit they no longer hear
money has became the goal for some
no longer do they look forward to uniting our kingdom
egos have gotten in the way of most
so this new hood is not for me
I choose to follow our father and live righteously
Blessings he will shower on all who are deserving and know
that only by standing in his light
will your crown continue to glow!
Amor de Reina!!
Queen Tina

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