What will our future be and what will become of this Nation,
Those are the questions asked, seeking answers and inspiration.
This King Nation was developed, with the Oppressed People in mind,
From Third worlds to our backyards, our people weren't hard to find.
We all shared the same struggles, and to move forward we all had to achieve,
The goals laid out in our lessons, have faith and just believe!
As Kings and Queens we believed, that together we can make a stand,
By truly devoting your lives, being guided by our lessons as planned.
One must understand first, the conditions our people have endured,
So that when we go out to and spread our word, our people will rest assured.
That from this day on a Great Nation has risen, to help break away the chains,
And lead us to our Thrones, and let it be known, that the blood of royalty runs thru our veins !
Communities must be awoken, that their conditions must be addressed,
If we have to march, scream and rally, it'll be our Mission for the Oppressed !
The path of our journey will be hard, a lot of obstacles along the way,
We'll take the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, but well take it day by day.
But you can rest assured when were finished, our people will not only be free,
We will have started a new Revolution, a Revolution for all to see!
If you want to know the way to find Yahweh, take the oath and dedicate yourself to our voice,
Cause in time our people will be free, be free of oppression and rejoice.
The Black & Gold Nation will continue to fight, our oppressors to the death if need be,
And if along the way, I'm sacrificed , don't feel bad, just say a prayer for me.
Cause thru out our glorious history, Brothers have come and gone,
They're lives remembered, loved and cherished, from sunset to dawn.
We must all be made aware, that as a whole we can never be torn apart,
Cause my love for my People wont fade, and for that I bring my fist upon my heart !
ADR! 360" of Strong King and Queen Wisdom !!!!!
King Vic
Spaulding Kings
Humbolt Park, Chicago
The Motherland