animadversion \an-uh-mad-VUHR-zhuhn\, noun:

1. Harsh criticism or disapproval.
2. Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure -- often used with 'on'.

�It is unfortunate that many Kings and Queens would rather strike their siblings with animadversion than embrace them with understanding and sincerity�

expunge \ik-SPUNJ\, transitive verb:

1. To strike out, erase, or mark for deletion; to obliterate; as, "to expunge words, lines, or sentences."
2. To wipe out or destroy; to annihilate.

�Only through constant and consistent actions that highlight our true purpose in the world, will we as a Nation be able to expunge the negative image the community has of us�

autochthonous \aw-TOK-thuh-nuhs\, adjective:

1. Aboriginal; indigenous; native.
2. Formed or originating in the place where found.

�We must teach our children the truth. They must understand their autochthonous status in a land that other claim to have discovered�

presentiment \prih-ZEN-tuh-muhnt\, noun:

A sense that something will or is about to happen; a premonition.

�Never in their wildest dreams, could our founding brothers and sisters ever have the presentiment that the ALKQN would reach the heights it has reached�

undulant \UN-juh-lunt; UN-dyuh-\, adjective:

Resembling waves in form, motion, or occurrence.

�The undulant landscape that is produced when hundreds of our brothers and sisters stand together is beyond inspiring�

roborant \ROB-uh-ruhnt\, adjective:

1. Strengthening; restoring vigor.
2. A strengthening medicine; a tonic; a restorative.

�A sincere embrace from a brother or a sister truly acts as a roborant�

arriviste \a-ree-VEEST\, noun:

A person who has recently attained success, wealth, or high status but not general acceptance or respect; an upstart.

�To stand before the body as nothing more than a position, is to present yourself as an arriviste. However, to stand before the body as a brother with sincere love and appreciation, is to present yourself as a King�

jocular \JOK-yuh-luhr\, adjective:

1. Given to joking or jesting.
2. Characterized by joking; playful.

�One who constantly presents themselves in a jocular manner, is rarely taken seriously in moments of intense seriousness�

sedition \sih-DISH-un\, noun:

Conduct or language inciting resistance to or rebellion against lawful authority.
�Those who conspire to undermine the laws of our precious Nation will face charges of sedition and feel the wrath of the Almighty Father�

tenet \TEN-it\, noun:

Any opinion, principle, dogma, belief, or doctrine that a person holds or maintains as true.

�It is our tenet as Latin Kings and Queens, that many choose to wear a crown, but very few are chosen to represent the crown�

errant \AIR-uhnt\, adjective:

1. Wandering; roving, especially in search of adventure.
2. Deviating from an appointed course; straying.
3. Straying from the proper standards (as of truth or propriety).
4. Moving aimlessly or irregularly; as, an errant breeze.

�An errant King or Queen is not a royal representation of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation�

rivulet \RIV-yuh-lut\, noun:

A small stream or brook; a streamlet.

�When we fill ourselves with information, the truth drips from every pore of our body and joins as if to create a rivulet knowledge�

putsch \PUCH ('u' as in 'push')\, noun:

(Sometimes capitalized) A secretly planned and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government.

�Oppressive governments fear that a putsch lead by the ALKQN would gather the support of the people�

brio \BREE-oh\, noun:

Enthusiastic vigor; vivacity; liveliness; spirit.

�The brio that exists when Kings and Queens of the ALKQN unite and stand by each other�s sides, is beyond inspiring� it is the definition of inspiration�

cavort \kuh-VORT\, intransitive verb:

1. To bound or prance about.
2. To have lively or boisterous fun; to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner.

�True servants of the people understand that their sacrifices will lead way to the cavorting of the masses�

accede \ak-SEED\, intransitive verb:

1. To agree or assent; to give in to a request or demand.
2. To become a party to an agreement, treaty, convention, etc.
3. To attain an office or rank; to enter upon the duties of an office.

�The day will come when the Almighty ensures that the oppressive forces of our government will accede to our demands�

refractory \rih-FRAK-tuh-ree\, adjective:

1. Stubbornly disobedient; unmanageable.
2. Resisting ordinary treatment or cure.
3. Difficult to melt or work; capable of enduring high temperature.

�A brother who prides himself on his refractory nature can never be a true follower of the crown�

efficacious \ef-ih-KAY-shuhs\, adjective:

Possessing the quality of being effective; producing, or capable of producing, the effect intended; as, an efficacious law.

�Our roars are not made simply to be heard, they are made to be efficacious�

gregarious \grih-GAIR-ee-us\, adjective:

1. Tending to form a group with others of the same kind.
2. Seeking and enjoying the company of others.

�Though a King may usually sit alone on his throne, when he is around his siblings, a gregarious movement is formed�

impugn \im-PYOON\, transitive verb:

To attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.

�Many who wore plastic crowns have impugned those who are sincere to the crown and the cause of the Nation, but at the end they were unsuccessful for in the light of the Father there plastic crowns melted�

apostasy \uh-POS-tuh-see\, noun:

Total desertion or departure from one's faith, principles, or party.

�The apostasy of one who claims to be royal will be a testament to the fact that many choose and few are chosen�

circumspect \SUR-kuhm-spekt\, adjective:

Marked by attention to all circumstances and probable consequences; cautious; prudent.

�We must always be circumspect when discussing the family to outsiders�

prepotency \pree-POTE-n-see\, noun:

1. The quality or condition of having superior power, influence, or force; predominance.
2. (Biology) The capacity, on the part of one of the parents, as compared with the other, to transmit more than his or her own share of characteristics to their offspring.

�Our prepotency will be reinforced by the success of our children as long as we stay true to the path provided to us by the Almighty Father King of Kings�

argot \AHR-go; -gut\, noun:

1. A specialized and often secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group.
2. A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps, and vagabonds.

�Our roar is often regarded by the ignorant, as the argot of a gang�

supplant \suh-PLANT\, transitive verb:

1. To take the place of (another), especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics; as, a rival supplants another.
2. To take the place of and serve as a substitute for.

�Our enemies will try to supplant us in the Latino community, however they will never be successful�

indigence \IN-dih-juhn(t)s\, noun:

A state of extreme poverty or destitution.

�When servicing our community, we must never forget that many of us are a few cents away from utter indigence�

ukase \yoo-KAYS; -KAYZ; YOO-kays; -kayz\, noun:

1. In imperial Russia, a published proclamation or order having the force of law.
2. Any order or decree issued by an authority; an edict.

�The forces that seek to deny us often issue ukases that reflect their racist beliefs�

pantheon \PAN-thee-on; -uhn\, noun:

1. A temple dedicated to all the gods; especially (capitalized), the building so called at Rome.
2. The collective gods of a people; as, a goddess of the Greek pantheon.
3. A public building commemorating and dedicated to the famous dead of a nation.
4. A group of highly esteemed persons.

�On many occasions the Kings and Queens of the ALKQN have stood before the pantheons of the forces that seek to deny us, and demanded better conditions�

moil \MOYL\, intransitive verb:

1. To work with painful effort; to labor; to toil; to drudge.
2. To churn or swirl about continuously.
1. Toil; hard work; drudgery.
2. Confusion; turmoil.

�While many claim devotion to the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, only few endure the sleepless moil of ensuring our progression�

redound \rih-DOWND\, intransitive verb:

1. To have a consequence or effect.
2. To return; to rebound; to reflect.
3. To become added or transferred; to accrue.

�The government continues to oppress communities of color so much that the people are redounding to such organizations as the ALKQN�

intransigent \in-TRAN-suh-juhnt; -zuh-\, adjective:

Refusing to compromise; uncompromising.

�The nature of a King or a Queen is to be intransigent in their pursuit of justice for all third world people of the world�

celerity \suh-LAIR-uh-tee\, noun:

Rapidity of motion or action; quickness; swiftness.

�It is the nature of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation to move with celerity against the forces that seek to deny us�

acrimony \AK-ruh-moh-nee\, noun:

Bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness, as of language, disposition, or manners.

�True royalty does not allow itself to be divided in acrimony�

nonpareil \non-puh-REL\, adjective:

1. Having no equal; peerless.
2. Something of unequaled excellence; a peerless thing or person.

�The love and devotion that those who are chosen by the Almighty Father to represent the ALKQN have for the crown is nonpareil�

internecine \in-tuhr-NES-een; -NEE-syn; -NEE-sin\, adjective:

1. Of or relating to conflict within a nation, an organization, or a group.
2. Mutually destructive; involving or accompanied by mutual slaughter.
3. Deadly; destructive; marked by slaughter.

�The Almighty Latin King Queen Nation is plagued by internecine struggle because many are loyal to their desire for fame rather than the progression of our people�

doughty \DOW-tee\, adjective:

Marked by fearless resolution; valiant; brave.

�The history of our precious Nation is written with the accomplishments of countless doughty Kings and Queens who were loyal to the crown and the cause�

penchant \PEN-chunt\, noun:

Inclination; decided taste; a strong liking.

�Our penchant for unity is among the foundation of our brotherhood�

flagitious \fluh-JISH-uhs\, adjective:

1. Disgracefully or shamefully criminal; grossly wicked; scandalous; -- said of acts, crimes, etc.
2. Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; -- said of persons.
3. Characterized by enormous crimes or scandalous vices; as, "flagitious times."

�Though convicted of flagitious crimes, the punishment issued to King Blood is blatantly unconstitutional�

vitiate \VISH-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:

1. To make faulty or imperfect; to render defective; to impair; as, "exaggeration vitiates a style of writing."
2. To corrupt morally; to debase.
3. To render ineffective; as, "fraud vitiates a contract."

�History has shown us that at times, modern technology has the power to vitiate even the most humble Kings and Queens of our Nation�

bombast \BOM-bast\, noun:

Pompous or pretentious speech or writing.

�It is unfortunate that our Nation is plagued by false prophets who are constantly looking for ways to convince the masses of their personal agenda, and that technology has created an avenue for their bombast to be boosted�

veritable \VER-ih-tuh-bul\, adjective:

Agreeable to truth or to fact; actual; real; true; genuine.

�Our union for the true cause of the ALKQN would veritable progress in our communities�

insuperable \in-SOO-pur-uh-bul\, adjective:

Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome; insurmountable; as, "insuperable difficulties."

�The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation has overcome insuperable obstacles in its existence�

delectation \dee-lek-TAY-shun\, noun:

Great pleasure; delight, enjoyment.

�It is the dream of many members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation to have a Nation owned and operated community for our own delectation�

polymath \POL-ee-math\, noun:

A person of great or varied learning; one acquainted with various subjects of study.

�A polymath of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation must maintain his/her humility so that the lessons they teach are accepted by the masses�

fiat \FEE-uht; -at; -aht; FY-uht; -at\, noun:

1. An arbitrary or authoritative command or order.
2. Formal or official authorization or sanction.

�While we want the success of our Nation to be enough inspiration for our brothers and sisters to put in the necessary work, often times we must make progress by fiat�

fecund \FEE-kuhnd; FEK-uhnd\, adjective:

1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful; prolific.
2. Intellectually productive or inventive.

"For almost 5 decades, the fecund royal couples of the ALKQN have produced princes and princesses that will carry on the beauty of Black and Gold."

enunciate \ee-NUN-see-ayt; ih-\, transitive verb:

1. To utter articulately; to pronounce.
2. To state or set forth precisely or systematically.
3. To announce; to proclaim; to declare.
4. To utter words or syllables articulately.

�When we verbally communicate, it is imperative that we enunciate as the meaning of our words can not afford to be lost in sluggish speech�

appellation \ap-uh-LAY-shun\, noun:

1. The word by which a particular person or thing is called and known; name; title; designation.
2. The act of naming.

�It is with great pride that members of our royal family accept the appellation of Latin Kings and Latin Queens�

disconsolate \dis-KON-suh-lut\, adjective:

1. Being beyond consolation; deeply dejected and dispirited; hopelessly sad; filled with grief; as, "a bereaved and disconsolate parent."
2. Inspiring dejection; saddening; cheerless; as, "the disconsolate darkness of the winter nights."
Midway through the course he came to the table with the disconsolate expression of a basketball coach whose team had just been trounced.

�The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation was formed to serve as the shining light of hope in the eyes of the oppressed people who are often lost in disconsolate conditions�

omnipresent \om-nuh-PREZ-uhnt\, adjective:

Present in all places at the same time; ubiquitous.

�It is belief of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation that the Almighty Father is undoubtedly omnipresent�

biddable \BID-uh-buhl\, adjective:

1. Easily led or commanded; obedient.
2. Capable of being bid. But because they are sociable, biddable, obliging, stoic and generous, most are happy to join in.

�Often times chaotically organized events prove to be nothing more than an example of how charismatic individuals can impose their will on a biddable public�

discomfit \dis-KUHM-fit; dis-kuhm-FIT\, transitive verb:

1. To make uneasy or perplexed, or to put into a state of embarrassment; to disconcert; to upset.
2. To thwart; to frustrate the plans of.
3. (Archaic). To defeat in battle. A few of Dr. Baden's anecdotes ramble pointlessly, and his gusto in describing the anatomical characteristics of exhumed bodies may discomfit the squeamish.

�Often times the forces that seek to deny us feel that their presence before us is enough to discomfit or hearts and minds, however the Almighty gives provides us with peace and ease�

perfunctory \pur-FUNGK-tuh-ree\, adjective:

1. Done merely to carry out a duty; performed mechanically or routinely.
2. Lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent. The city's moderate hotels, however, tend to offer minimal comforts, perfunctory service and dreary decor.

�A true member of our beloved Nation would never execute their salute simply to be perfunctory. The act itself is a testament to the fact that we are blood of each other�s blood and flesh of each other�s flesh�

palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:

1. To reduce in violence (said of diseases, etc.); to lessen or abate.
2. To cover by excuses and apologies; to extenuate.
3. To reduce in severity; to make less intense. I had held a hope that she would take my class, that I would have the chance not only to cope with but to help palliate her pain.

�The Almighty Father, King of Kings has allowed the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation to exist so that we may palliate the pain of our community�

quiescent \kwy-ES-uhnt; kwee-\, adjective:

Being in a state of repose; at rest; still; inactive

�Many claim that they have fallen into a quiescent state with the Nation because they need time focus on their personal development; however, the unfortunate truth is that many do not do anything productive with the extra time�

lumpen \LUHM-puhn; LUM-puhn\, adjective;

plural lumpen, also lumpens:
1. Of or relating to dispossessed and displaced individuals, especially those who have lost social status.
2. Common; vulgar.
3. A member the underclass, especially the lowest social stratum

�It is imperative that as servants of the people, we never view any member of our community as being lumpen�

fulminate \FUL-muh-nayt\, intransitive verb:

1. To issue or utter verbal attacks or censures authoritatively or menacingly.
2. To explode; to detonate.
3. To utter or send out with denunciations or censures.
4. To cause to explode.

�It is clear that the politicians allow the police department to fulminate on their behalf while they attempt to give the impression that they are simply trying to service the community�

contravene \kon-truh-VEEN\, transitive verb:

1. To act or be counter to; to violate.
2. To oppose in argument; to contradict.

�While many attempt to contravene the origin of the ALKQN, Chicago remains the motherland and birthplace of our constitution�

invective \in-VEK-tiv\, noun:

1. An abusive expression or speech; a vehement verbal attack.
2. Insulting or abusive language.
3. Of, relating to, or characterized by insult, abuse, or denunciatory language.

�When royalty communicates with each other, it should do so with love and understanding not never-ending invective�

disquisition \dis-kwuh-ZISH-uhn\, noun:

A formal discourse on a subject.

�It is imperative that we make the time to engage in productive disquisitions on our history and literature�

agon \AH-gahn; ah-GOHN\, noun:

A struggle or contest; conflict in a literary work.

�It is common knowledge that those who preach the existence of a permanent agon between our Constitution and the written words of brothers and sisters throughout the world, are simply interested in causing division and do not desire the masses to be united�

languid \LANG-gwid\, adjective:

1. Drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion; weak; weary; heavy.
2. Promoting or indicating weakness or heaviness.
3. Slow; lacking vigor or force.

�There is no doubt in my mind that as we continue to work towards the evolution of our community, those who oppose our progression will find their actions becoming languid�

countervail \kown-tur-VAYL\, transitive verb:

1. To act against with equal force, power, or effect; to counteract.
2. To compensate for; to offset; to furnish or serve as an equivalent to.
3. To exert force against an opposing, often bad, influence or power.

�Included in the many responsibilities a King has, he must ensure that he is consistently countervailing the sexism that exists in our Nation�

abstruse \ab-STROOS; uhb-\, adjective:

Difficult to comprehend or understand.

"It is often because of the fact that our individual actions do not coincide with our organizational purpose and principles that the community we exist to serve sees the ALKQN as abstruse"

venerate \VEN-uh-rayt\, transitive verb:

To treat someone or something with deep respect, reverence or deference; to revere.

�With our right knee to heaven and our left knee to hell, we all venerate our Ancestors whose Brown Force surrounds us and gives us strength�

collude \kuh-LOOD\, intransitive verb

To act in concert; to conspire; to plot.

�Those who know the truth is accessible and yet continue to believe in lies are seen as those who collude with the forces that seek to deny us�

ratiocination \rash-ee-ah-suh-NAY-shun; rash-ee-oh-\, noun:

The process of reasoning.

�In order for our Nation to progress and reach the level that the Almighty Father has intended for us, we must immerse ourselves in our true literature and keep sharp our power of ratiocination�

fractious \FRAK-shuhs\, adjective:

1. Tending to cause trouble; unruly.
2. Irritable; snappish; cranky.

�He who is fractious in the cipher blessed by the Almighty Father, King of Kings, is giving testimony to the fact that he is not royal�

phantasmagoria \fan-taz-muh-GOR-ee-uh\, noun:

1. A shifting series or succession of things seen or imagined, as in a dream.
2. Any constantly changing scene.

�The beauty of our family coming together and standing by each other�s side is like a phantasmagoria that makes me wish the beauty of my dreams would become a reality�

heterodox \HET-uh-ruh-doks\, adjective:

1. Contrary to or differing from some acknowledged standard, especially in church doctrine or dogma; unorthodox.
2. Holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines.

�Many in our community who claim to follow the teachings of the Almighty Father, find nothing wrong with casting stones at the members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation and accusing us of having heterodox beliefs�

sere \SEER\, adjective:

Dry; withered.

�As our brothers and sisters stand on the corner only preaching of their commitment to the improvement of our community, our social conditions worsen and the once oasis of our barrios continue to sere�

didactic \dy-DAK-tik; duh-\, adjective:

1. Fitted or intended to teach; conveying instruction; instructive; teaching some moral lesson; as, "didactic essays."
2. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively; moralistic.

"When the Almighty Father inspires us to share our royal sentiments, He fills us with passion and the presentation that is created is didactic"

acclimate \uh-KLY-mit; AK-luh-mayt\, transitive and intransitive verb:

To accustom or become accustomed to a new climate, environment, or situation.

�At any given time it is possible for an individual to walk down the street and find evidence that supports the notion that our community is acclimated to poverty, ignorance, and selfishness�

pecuniary \pih-KYOO-nee-air-ee\, adjective:

1. Relating to money; monetary.
2. Consisting of money.
3. Requiring payment of money.

�There are no pecuniary responsibilities for one to stand in the light of the Almighty Father, King of Kings�

desideratum \dih-sid-uh-RAY-tum; -RAH-\, noun;

plural desiderata:
Something desired or considered necessary.

�It is unfortunate that many feel having the reputation of being a thug is the highest desideratum�

triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:

A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.

�If the community suffers from fear of our actions in the same way that many suffer from triskaidekaphobia, then we have failed in our mission of community empowerment and servant leadership�

gallimaufry \gal-uh-MAW-free\, noun:

A medley; a hodgepodge.

�Through the globalization of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, the chant of �Amor de Rey! Amor de Reina! Amor de Corona!� is now screamed in a gallimaufry of languages�

fructuous \FRUHK-choo-uhs\, adjective:

Fruitful; productive.

�Though many have condemned our communities, the streets that house our Brown Force are fructuous with inspiration and opportunity�

providential \prov-uh-DEN(T)-shuhl\, adjective:

1. Of or resulting from divine direction or superintendence.
2. Occurring through or as if through divine intervention; peculiarly
fortunate or appropriate.

�Contrary to the stories focused on by the mainstream media, many who have survived the trails and tribulations presented to them by the streets have credited the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation with guiding them to salvation. They consider their membership providential�

tortuous \TOR-choo-us\, adjective:

1. Marked by repeated turns and bends; as, "a tortuous road up the mountain."
2. Not straightforward; devious;

�It is unfortunate that many use tortoise reasoning in the presentation of their own personal agenda�

nonage \NON-ij; NOH-nij\, noun:

1. The time of life before a person becomes legally of age.
2. A period of youth or immaturity.

�It is often said that one is a man/woman before he/she is a king/queen, however, can this statement hold true when one joins the ALKQN in his/her nonage?�

sotto voce \SAH-toh-VOH-chee\, adverb or adjective:

1. Spoken low or in an undertone, as not to be overheard.
2. (Music) In very soft tones. Used chiefly as a direction.

�While all may preach the progression of our Nation and the improvement of our community, behind the scenes there are many whose sotto voce grumblings promote individual fame and personal agendas�

verbose \vuhr-BOHS\, adjective:

Abounding in words; using or containing more words than are necessary; tedious by an excess of words; wordy;

�The passion that we have for our Nation often makes us verbose presenters of our beliefs�

coruscate \KOR-uh-skayt\, intransitive verb:

1. To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light; to sparkle.
2. To exhibit brilliant, sparkling technique or style.

�To stand before our beautiful brothers and sisters in a moment of unity is to see an endless sea of coruscate crowns�

ambuscade \AM-buh-skayd; am-buh-SKAYD\, noun:

1. An ambush.
2. To attack by surprise from a concealed place; to ambush.

"If we do not educate ourselves, then our ignorance will serve as one of the tools oppressive forces use to plan their ambuscade"

punctilious \puhnk-TIL-ee-uhs\, adjective:

Strictly attentive to the details of form in action or conduct; precise; exact in the smallest particulars.

�Many newly initiated Kings/Queens tend to be more punctilious than those whose membership spans many years�

stasis \STAY-sis; STAS-is\, noun; Plural stases \STAY-seez; STAS-eez\: 1. A state of balance, equilibrium, or stagnation.

�The reality of our Nation is not stasis but change; we do not simply operate on mechanical laws we evolve organically�

wayworn \WAY-worn\, adjective: Wearied by traveling.

�Those wayworn brothers and sisters who are chosen by the Almighty to spread the truth of the ALKQN all over the world, continually draw from the Brown Force of our community to continue forward�

jeremiad \jair-uh-MY-uhd\, noun:

A tale of sorrow, disappointment, or complaint; a doleful story; also, a dolorous or angry tirade

�One�s personal account of his/her existence in the ALKQN should be a tale of happiness and pride that they are anxious to share with others, not a jeremiad that they regret sharing with their loved ones�

levity \LEV-uh-tee\, noun:

1. Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate or excessive; frivolity.

�The blessed 360 is no place for levity�

diaphanous \dy-AF-uh-nuhs\, adjective:

1. Of such fine texture as to allow light to pass through; translucent or transparent.
2. Vague; insubstantial.

�Often times quality is sacrificed for the sake of quantity and in the end many who claim their loyalty to the crown are simple diaphanous�

aggress \uh-GRES\, intransitive verb:

To commit the first act of hostility or offense; to make an attack.

�In communities of color in this country, it is the norm for police to aggress with deadly force against unarmed civilians�

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