The is the sensitive part of our existence, the only woman that can inspire a deep sentiment that only a king man describe, and that she will have it manifest, in the birth of a child. Just thinking about how hard it must be to be born it reminds me of a greater love she can only know. You are my mother; you are my sister for you are the ones that give us the physical form in order for us to see the light. Through your life it�s continued and without you life has no meaning. With you my crown is completed for it was already said that a king needs a queen by his side in order for him to maintain a balance of self. I still remember that you taught men how to give his first step and I�m sure you were full of joy when he did so. You�re just a true example of this unconditional love that we as kings must thirst to master it.

I don�t have the need to know you to make you a solemn promise that I will try my best to respect everything you breathe for you are the life and mother of our great nation.

It�s just a deep sentiment of mine.



Ella es la parte sensitiva de nuestra existencia, la �nica mujer que puede inspirar un sentimiento, que solo un hombre rey puede describirlo, y que es manifestado por ella en el nacimiento de un hijo. El solo pensar que tan dif�cil habr� sido nacer, me hace recordar de un amor divino que solo ella conoce. Eres mi madre, eres mi hermana por ser ustedes quienes nos dan la forma f�sica para as� poder ver la luz. A trav�s de ustedes la vida es continuada y sin ustedes la vida no tiene sentido. Contigo mi corona esta culminada, por lo que ya esta dicho que un rey necesita una reina a su costado para poder mantener el balance de si mismo. Siempre recuerdo que ustedes ense�aron al hombre a dar su primer paso y estoy seguro que ustedes estuvieron llenas de alegr�a cuando el lo hizo. Eres un verdadero ejemplo de este amor incondicional que nosotros como reyes debemos de tener sed por dominar.

No necesito conocerte para hacer una promesa solemne, que siempre har� lo mejor por respetar todo lo que respiras por ser tu la vida y madres de nuestra gran naci�n.

Es solo un sentimiento profundo mi�.




Amor de Rey! Amor de Reina! Amor de Corona!

The photograph below shows a sculpture that was on display last year in Carl Shurz Park, located along John Finley Walk at 86th Street in New York City. The artist responsible for this sculpture, Dorothy Frankel, is quoted by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation as saying: "The hand gestures of these sculptures represent a form of visual poetry and communicate powerful and positive images of the human condition".

Let this be a reminder that when we manipulate our bodies to represent what it is that we believe in, our limbs are screaming louder than our voices ever could.

"I love you" is what our crown symbolizes in sign language... When thrown by one who is truly royal it should mean that and more.

Ask yourself, is my crown a toy? Is my crown a conversation piece? Is my crown a tool that I use to attract the opposite sex? Or is my crown what I waive in the air when my enemy approaches? Ask yourself these questions and please share your answers� For as far as the chosen children of the Almighty Father are concerned, our crown is a symbol of love, life, and hope. By extending my crown to you I acknowledge that you are flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood. My willingness to die for you is made royal by my willingness to live for you.

If the crown alone is understood by the general public, then why is the Nation not? Perhaps because the crown alone can not commit acts of injustice� only the bodies who wear it but don�t respect it can do that.

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