“Why do some come into the Nacion that we cherish as a humble person and once in, the snake eyes start scoping for their next victim to tear at?”
Why do I dislike that word? Because that word is a word that brings pain, tears, anger, hardship, not believing that it can happen to you by someone close to you.
Why do we betray those that put so much faith is some of us or someone you have faith in? I feel that we will not ever know, or if it explained we will say that it's a bunch of Bull....
Why do some come into the Nacion that we cherish as a humble person and once in, the snake eyes start scoping for their next victim to tear at? The reason is because they joined the Nacion for the wrong reason. They forget about the Oaths, Prayers, Lessons and mostly the words. Such things can not be put aside and know them without feelings. For to be a King/Queen means having feelings for all that is around you, no matter their stages or upliftment in life.
Why do some of us say “the hell with them ", without ever putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes? We can get on here and write and read but living it, and you know IT is, some can not and will not do. At least if you tried or are still trying then I know you got it or making the effort to be a true King or Queen.
Why do some of us smile in our brothers or sisters face with that snake grin and as soon as they have our trust we turn our backs to them? You know who I'm talking about!!!!! Bros and Sisters who are using our Nacion for their own profit and upliftment, not caring who they step on. Betrayer!!!!!
You who sit there and mock others when you have what it got to aid the poor, the abused, the hungry, those that have not, or those that just need someone to talk to. You think that if they are not in the Nacion then you don't have the time for them. Betrayer!!!!!
You who sit there and think that you don't have any fault because of who you
are. Let us remember that none of us are perfect and mistakes were made and
are still being made by us, but you fail to grasp that something was done by
you that caused someone pain.
You who sits there and have no remorse, BETRAYER TO OUR NACION!!!!!
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