“Children begin to believe that no one cares about them, blind to the fact that we work so hard for their benefit.”
Young people tend to get in a lot of troublesome situations not knowing the consequences they might have to face in the long run. A lot of these situations could be minimized if we (adults) understood the reasons why our youth do the things they do. Kids are the most precious life forms on this earth, but we (adults) don't take the time out to show our youth how amazing and special they are. Our attention span is very limited when interacting with our youth but once he/she does something we adults consider incorrect they have our full attention and we fail to realize that by this time its probably too late. We are so overwhelmed with our own lives that we simply overlook our children and show little or no interest in their development. Eventually, the child catches on and figures that for them to get their parents' and/or an adult's attention he/she has to misbehave, assimilating their relationship with the aforementioned as one of little or no meaning.
Children begin to believe that no one cares about them, blind to the fact that we work so hard for their benefit. They don't see that bills such as, mortgage, rent, light, water, heat and many others need to be paid, in order for them to have adequate shelter. They don't understand the importance of being able to provide fulfilling meals for the family. They don't know any of this or understand the importance of many of the things we do and wont until we teach them. We fail to realize that even though our kids are young they notice everything around them. The only difference is that they perceive things in their own way and that's due to lack of knowledge, understanding and communication between them and adults, but they're people, "young people."
Our kids yearn for our attention and will go to any and all extremes to get it. They want to learn, they want to be guided, they know and understand what's expected of them, but we need to be willing to teach them. It takes a lot of time, love and dedication to do so, but most importantly we need will. If we are not willing to nurture our kids please know that they will find someone who will. This can result in a serious chain of events, ranging from school drop outs, to hitting the streets, to prison, even death because the people they are turning to are usually people undergoing the same situations they are. These young people will soon begin to associate with other youth that feel unloved, unwanted, not cherished. This will eventually lead to alcohol and drug use in an attempt to heal internal wounds and criminal activity will soon follow in order to support these habits when no longer able to maintain adequate employment (if applicable) or their parents decide to no longer contribute to their child's down falls.
Our kids will soon become desperate to regain a family and begin to, if they haven't already, involve themselves with gangs in search of love, brother/sisterhood and acknowledgement; a sense of belonging. These kids will eventually turn cold for the streets have nothing else to offer. They will engage in gang violence, such as, stabbings, shootings, larceny and other crimes in an attempt to release all this pain that they've harbored for so long. The young person will no longer consider him/herself to be a child or an adolescent, for his/her experience has been so broad that they are forced to lose their childhood.
As a parent of two, I could never, in my wildest imagination, envision anything other than an excellent education and more opportunities that I, as a young person had, for my child. I can't believe that a parent wouldn't want the same for their child, but being in the field I'm in, I come across many youth that feel very different. I have heard horrible things about parents, which I could only imagine, are misperceptions. These things range anywhere from, "my parents don't love or care for me to I hate my parents, he/she is a....." It sounds unreal but its reality; believe it.
We need to regain power as a people. Our children need to feel the love and presence of a strong community, as we once did. Lets begin and/or continue to uplift our youth. Lets instill self worth and build self-esteem. Lets dedicate more time to our youth. This is a cry for help my people. Lets heal the wounds, and rekindle lost love and the relationships we once had; our children need us, NOW.
Amor De Rey
Peace in Black & Gold
Almighty “King Outlaw”
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