The Nation's Celestial Chapter

The Celestial Chapter of the ALKQN is an opportunity to honor the Brothers and Sisters who have transitioned from their mortal experience back to their spiritual essence. While we previously listed the names of brothers and sisters who were submitted for this chapter, we have made the decision to no longer offer this option as there were multiple occasions where the sacred act of remembering those of our kin who have passed on was disrespected by ignorant submissions. The removal of the names on this page does not mean that we are no longer honoring our royal siblings. On the contrary; it means that we are honoring them further by ensuring that their name is not tarnished by those who clearly have no interest in the sacred existence of our points, principles, and constitution.

We encourage all to keep the memory of our departed brothers and sisters alive through actions of consciousness and righteousness for they now add to the Brown Force we draw from.